
Getting into model railroading just a few month back, I was (and still am) regularly overwhelmed by the complexity of the hobby. I had many questions like “What is DC and how does it differ from DCC?” or “Can I control my PIKO locomotive with the EX‑CommandStation?” Knowing the struggle, I decided to start a FAQ regarding DCC, and answer some of the questions a beginner of the hobby might have (which includes me). It will be updated regularly as new things come across on my journey.

What does DCC stand for?

DCC is short for Digital Command Control.


What is DCC?

DCC is a standard established by the NMRA to control your model trains. To have a unified standard allows model trains of different manufacturers to understand the same “language” and run on the same layout simultaneously.


Is DCC equal to “digital” control (as in opposed to “analogue”)

Not quite, no. There are many different digital systems to control model trains (for example Märklin Digital, KATO or Digitrax), and DCC is simply one amongst others. So if you want to digitally control a model train (as in opposed to analogue), you have to make sure that your train “understands” your command station (i.e. both support the same digital standard).

Are there also other standards?

Yes, there are many other standards, for instance Märklin Digital, KATO or Digitrax. Find out more about digital model railway control.

Are there free/open source DCC command stations?

Yes, there are. The EX‑CommandStation or OpenDCC are two examples. I currently use the Ex-CommandStation to control my layout and am very happy with it.